Walkthrough of the Lazy Summer Protocol

The Lazy Summer Protocol is your gateway to effortless, optimized DeFi yields with unmatched transparency, security, and ease of use.
If you’ve been around for a long time and are familiar with DeFi protocols, you know that it can be tough to use DeFI Yield products.
You’ve probably found yourself asking one of several frustrating questions:
- Is it worth the time and effort switching to another yield strategy?
- Am I even aware of all the new yield opportunities that are out there?
- How can I assess the risk of a new protocol or strategy with any kind of certainty without any kind of expertise?
DeFi Yield the The Lazy Way vs the old way
The old way of accessing yield in DeFi was fraught with fragmentation, low rewards vs. risk, and high time & money costs. These are the issues that users are plagued with today in DeFi... but not anymore.
The Lazy Summer Protocol solves these issues with automation, optimization and simplicity.
- Automates complex yield strategies to save time and reduce stress.
- Provides stable, above-benchmark returns without active management.
- Open and user-friendly.
Effortless access to higher yields, optimized with AI.
The Lazy Summer Protocol curates the highest quality protocols and strategies across multiple networks.
That means you’re earning DeFi’s highest quality yields, all of the time. Your deposits into the Lazy Summer Protocol are continuously monitored and reallocated across the top protocols, ensuring you are earning the best available yields, so you can stop searching and researching and simply choose between the very best options.

Transparent by design - never second guess the source of your yield
Once you’ve selected the strategy that is right for you, Summer.fi's front-end app ensures you never second-guess the source of your yield. Every strategy clearly surfaces all the data and information about where the yield is coming from and why.

AI Powered Rebalancing to earn more, save time and reduce costs
The Lazy Summer Protocol uses an AI-powered keeper network that requires a majority of AI Agents to agree on a single strategy to automatically rebalance your portfolio. It continually optimizes and rebalances strategies to maximize long-term yields.

Onboarding that is done in minutes, not months
It will only take you a few minutes to get started with your first Lazy Summer Protocol position
No wallet? Get started with Email, google, facebook or a passkey.
No crypto? Buy from your bank, straight from the app.
Wrong deposit asset? Swap for the right deposit asset automatically.

All the info you need, right where you need it
How much have I earned? How much have I deposited? How much can I expect to earn? How optimized are my assets?
Earnings: See how much you’ve made.
Net Contributions: Clarity on how much you’ve deposited.
30d and Current APY: Understand the yield that you are earning and have earned.
Forecasted Earnings: Estimate how much you can expect to earn in the future.

At the same time, all of your capital is being optimized by our AI-powered keeper network. This makes sure you are saving time, cutting out complexity, and not paying substantial gas costs by having to manage your portfolio manually.
Deposit anything and exit anytime, no lockups or withdrawal delays with instant liquidity
With the Lazy Summer Protocol on Summer.fi as long as the capital is available from the underlying protocols (almost always). No queues or waiting for withdrawals to be processed.
Superior risk management by DeFi’s top risk team, and automatic diversification to prevent the risk of ruin
Block Analitica is the Risk Curator to the Lazy Summer Protocol. They will set and manage all of the core risk parameters and come to the Lazy Summer Protocol with a wealth of experience. Block Analitica use sophisticated models to simulate market conditions and their vast experience to prevent any unnecessary risks taken by the protocol.

Specifically, they will set and continually manage all Vault parameters to prevent the risk of overexposure to any single protocol or collateral-paired assets. They ensure diversification of asset allocation and protection from the risk of ruin at all times.
Getting in touch
If you have any questions regarding Summer.fi, contact us at support@summer.fi or our social media.
Oazo Apps Limited functions solely as a front-end interface provider and does not launch, operate, or issue tokens for the Lazy Summer Protocol. The information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Users interact with the protocol at their own risk.