Time to Power up your Rays with Spark and Summer.fi!

Time to Power up your Rays with Spark and Summer.fi!

Starting today, Spark positions on Summer.fi are getting a serious boost! For the next 15 days, every Spark position will earn double $RAYS. This is your chance to maximize your rewards and climb the leaderboard using one of our supported protocols. Let’s dig into how to make the most of this limited-time opportunity.

What’s Happening?

🚀 Double $RAYS on Spark: For the next 15 days, all Spark positions will earn double the $RAYS, giving you more points and higher rewards faster than usual. It’s the perfect moment to take your strategies up a notch.

Why Spark and Summer.fi?

  • DeFi at its best: Spark is one of the most used DeFi lending protocols, offering borrowing and lending opportunities with a total market size of almost 4B. Pairing it with Summer.fi’s smooth and user-friendly platform, you get access to top-notch strategies without any hassle.
  • Boost Your Rewards: This event is all about supercharging your $RAYS. Double $RAYS means twice the impact with each move you make on Spark through Summer.fi.
Spark on Summer.fi

How to Get Started

  1. Connect Your Wallet: If you haven’t already, connect your wallet to Summer.fi and explore the Spark strategies available.
  2. Open or Adjust Spark Positions: Now’s the time to open new positions or tweak your current ones to take full advantage of the double $RAYS.
  3. Monitor and Optimize: Monitor your positions and make necessary adjustments. The Summer.fi dashboard makes it easy to manage everything in one place.

Maximizing Your $RAYS with Multiply Strategies

Don’t just stop at opening a position—use Summer.fi’s Multiply feature to boost your earnings further. By amplifying your Spark positions, you can significantly increase your exposure and, consequently, your $RAYS accumulation.

Why Act Now?

This 15-day event is an opportunity to rack up $RAYS at twice the usual rate, giving you a significant edge in the leaderboard race. Whether you’re aiming to solidify your spot or leapfrog competitors, this is your moment! ✨

Don’t forget to monitor your $RAYS allocation at Summer.fi/rays and track your progress on the leaderboard at Summer.fi/rays/leaderboard 🏆

$RAYS Leaderboard

Final Tips for Your Double $RAYS Journey

  • Stay Active: Regularly check your Spark positions and tweak as needed to stay ahead of market changes.
  • Explore Auto Strategies: Use Summer.fi’s automated strategies to manage risk and maximize rewards without constant monitoring.

Getting in touch

If you have any questions regarding Summer.fi, contact us at support@summer.fi or our social media.




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