Ajna Rewards Update #1

Every Friday, a new cycle starts for your AJNA rewards. Total weekly rewards for this week are 1,000,000 AJNA per week and are allocated in the following pools:
These pools will have 60% distributed to lenders and 40% to borrowers.
- RETH/DAI with 90,000 AJNA per week,
- WBTC/DAI with 70,000 AJNA per week
- WSTETH/DAI with 70,000 AJNA per week
- ETH/USDC with 65,000 AJNA per week
- WBTC/USDC with 90,000 AJNA per week
- WSTETH/USDC with 90,000 AJNA per week
- USDC/ETH with 50,000 AJNA per week
- USDC/WBTC with 50,000 AJNA per week
- YFI/DAI with 25,000 AJNA per week
These pools will have 95% distributed to lenders and 5% to borrowers for the following week.
- CBETH/ETH with 100,000 AJNA per week
- WSTETH/ETH with 100,000 AJNA per week
- RETH/ETH with 100,000 AJNA per week
- sDAI/USDC with 100,000 AJNA per week
The Lend/Borrow reward ratio is set per pool and different pools have different ratios to optimize liquidity. Deposits must fall within the active liquidity range and beyond, to be eligible for rewards, more info here.
Token amounts and pool weights, are updated weekly and fixed for each week. These may vary for subsequent weeks, as we continually strive to promote liquidity in different pools. The new rewards will start accruing from midnight GMT.
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If you have any questions regarding Summer.fi in general, you contact us at support@summer.fi or on our social media.